Monday, August 27, 2007

Introduction to the "Me" By me

Sandeep , Sometimes i think thats all i know about me. I have spent more time trying to understand myself . Understanding me was my favourite pass time when i used to spend a lot of hours waiting at the rear end of (towards shoranur) the palaghat railway station for the connection train to my native during my college vacations .

I am no good in dealing with people . I normally shy out when i have to deal with strangers. Fortunately i have some good friends and sadly i am not getting new ones (how would i if i dont talk to strangers !)

Introvert to the core, but for some reason people who know me doesn't seem to think so
I work at Bangalore for an MNC and belong to the state of kerala


I sing a lot to myself (probably people in close proximity and can hear that as well. I just love to hear me sing. Singing in a moving bus (not those A/C buses) is something i have been doing for years now . I would have annoyed a lot of my co-passengers with that lovely habit of mine.

Was an ardent cricket fan till the end of my college life. Used to be considered as a good bowler during my college days :). still love the game and occassionally plays too but the intensity has come down by miles. Gone are the days i used to shed tears for a lost game.
Loves to see Lara Bat ,McGrath/Wasim bowl, Twenty Twenty seems more sensible to me these days

watching Schumi overtake aggresively was a passion. another passion that has come down after Schumi left. Into supporting Kimi these days, but the guy is so inconsistent

Favorite Soccer team is Argentina
Loves watching Riquelme, Christiano Ronaldo.

Loves Federer Vs Nadal matches

Sleep (17 hours is the most i have managed at a stretch)

This is probably one passion in me which has not gone down a bit infact it reaches new heights every day.
I (and a couple of my friends) believe that planning the trip is much more fun than the real one. 90% of our plans never see light because of this attitude

We have planned hiring an omni (LPG) to Kodaikanal, taking the toy train to Ooty when it rains , taking the simla -Kalka train, being in Goa for the new year and making it for the DSF. None has succeeded .

But then, there are trips that succeeded as well. The Kolkatta-Gangtok-Darjeeling last year and Coorg (when it was raining) are unforgettable

Another stuff i love is Linux and with it i have learned to love UNIX as a whole and that love feeds me and my brain

well I am not that Techie but yeah like to be a UNIX specialist someday

Latest passion is badminton . Badminton as a passion is a recent addition to the passions list even though i used to play from my childhood.

Dislikes :

The fact that i cant swim (for fear of water) which reduces travel options by 40%
fact that I am scarred of riding bikes (another Obstacle to travel)

The very fear in me. Hope i can throw it out one day

My habit of worrying about bad things that i build up with my Imagination. I would go to the extend of figuring out my reaction and others reaction about the self created Bad thing.

Guess thats all i have for an Introduction .

Questions ,comments and suggestions are welcome


Unknown said...

hehe... That was real cute and Genuine... And u got sum neat stuff in here.... Keep Blogging!! N how abt new topics...

Unknown said...

But I dont know who is stranger for u (atleast think abt 25 lunch that u gvn, think abt the journey u planned, think abt the hungry flight etc etc...)

Sandeep said...

Tina, i agree with you on the lunches
and the flight. I should make amends to my blog with something like "at times i manage to cover up my shyness. especially with girls" :)

Cant remember about planning a journey with a stranger though :(

Unknown said...

a small correction not "at times" every time....

Sandeep said...

ok Compromise .. I will make it "most of the time"