Monday, September 3, 2007

Thought Scribble - Imagination

I have always wondered, how well the glass pane in the office isolated those sitting inside. Until one go and watch the outside world through the glass panes,
one never
gets to know whats happening, even sunrise and sunset.

The office building always maintained the consistent lights of the fluorescent lamps.
It has always managed to fool me, depriving me of time sense. That was one
reason for my extended stays in office apart from poor time management.

I sat beside the glass panes looking at the world outside. The common site of vehicles parked in the lot, cab drivers enjoying their time off,colleagues walking down to the cafeteria or sitting by the fountain downstairs gossiping or discussing, off endless number of flights landing and taking off, the view of the illuminated runway at night,. I have always made it a point to watch the site of flights taking off early in the morning, with the rising sun providing a vibrant orange background.sitting there i have thought at times about the way life has taken me. Back in my college days i used to wonder what job i could get with what i know. I was never able to imagine that i will get a job, but then I was not able to imagine even passing out of School.
I always thought it was easy to pass out of school, but i have met with failure every time i tried to imagine that. Then one day, reality made the unimaginable thing possible and that happened again and again. Now i certainly talk about jumping jobs and better offers, I never use to think that where i am now was unimaginable a few years before. Like always, something i achieved has created more desires.i still cant imagine about a lot of things but now i know imagination is not a necessity its an asset, which unfortunately has absent at some instances of life. My Imagination can create a swinging delivery (cricket) out of thin air any time, but there has been things beyond my imagination and that doesn't bother me anymore, because imagination is not a necessity, its an asset an added asset.

A bit more imagination would have sometimes created more desires and showed up more possible things i could do ? May be , may be not , You know , again i cannot imagine

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good one... being a kid I was always curious to know what was there inside such a building and how world would look like from such an isolated building.

Working in such a building was a dream come true for me till I understood it just looks good from outside and inside its something else..

keep posting sandi... :)