Monday, August 18, 2008

Thought Scribble - School memoirs

Everything looked the same. Those stone filled play grounds
where spirited games many we had
The classrooms were mischeif's many we did .
The walls and desks with our names etched.
The noise that came out of the classrooms
everything looked the same.
But, the stones in the playground were no longer friends with my feet
The swings and slides looked too smallNoise in the class room not ours .
Teachers no longer taught us.
The walls starred as if my name was never on it.
The parapet no more created vulgar coments out of me.
The fear of staff room appraching was gone
The sweet sound of long bell ringing no longer had the fragrance of freedom.
Lost in the sudden rush of boys and girls pacing towards the
stairs with heavy bags on thier backs made me relive those days.
Those sweet funny days, when present never bothered and future never worried
return now to those days , I know I cant.
The pain of that realization is hard to endure
But regrets i have none
for i did enjoy every drop of joyous honey my school offered,
where now everything looked the same but, nothing felt the same

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